Where do I even begin.......
My heart hurts to even write this. Contraception and abortion are issues so close to my heart; as a woman and as a mother, I cannot fathom how a woman could voluntarily put her body through the dangers and risks associated with the pill or murder her tiny baby, let alone support a government that is demanding this to be done. And I do mean, demanding.
Obama claims that 99% of women have used birth control at some point in their lives. WHO CARES! 100% of people use food and I don't see the government mandating that that be handed out for free. Not having food would actually kill you, whereas, despite what Obama might think, not having birth control would not kill you. Also, just because 99% of women do something, does not mean it is right or should be condoned. According to the CDC 45% of teens drink alcohol and 64% of those teens binge drink - that's a high percentage! Maybe we should lower the drinking age and hand out beers at the prom to accommodate those serious partiers and make high school more enjoyable.
Obama also claims that the use of birth control lowers the risk of ovarian cancer -WOW! I had no idea those little latex wonders (aka condoms) had the power to lower the risk of ovarian cancer. How does that work? Does the latex ooze some sort of magical chemical into the wall of the vagina and that chemical travels up a distant path where no sperm has ever traveled and deposit it's saving and healing powers into the ovaries? No, it's only a certain kind of birth control pill that claims to have such benefits to which he is referring. The truth is - taking oral contraceptive for pretty much the entire time you are fertile only reduces your risk of ovarian cancer by a really small percentage. Do you know what you can do to lower your risk of ovarian cancer by a higher percentage and never take oral contraception? You can have one baby and nurse that baby! One, one baby, not ten, but one. (Thank you to the person who had this fact on their blog. I forget where I saw it now, so I can not give you credit. But it is great information and much appreciated!) But since Obama is saying that making contraception so readily available will reduce the risk of ovarian cancer - that says to me that he expects all contracepting couples to use the pill (unless I really do not understand how those condoms work) and will only make the pill available for free. I see many problems with that. First of all, maybe contracepting women don't want to mess with their cycles so they only have four cycles of year. Maybe they don't want to increase their risks of breast cancer, or strokes or blood clots. Maybe they want a form of birth control they can stop at any time and try to get pregnant. Maybe they are allergic to an ingredient in the pill or for other health reasons, cannot take hormonal contraception. Maybe they are for birth control but are against abortion - and we all know that the pill does cause abortions. So why aren't more women upset that Obama not only wants to put all women on birth control, he also wants to dictate the exact form of birth control that you must use?
We all know the many many cons of using birth control. The risks that the pill poses to women - stroke, blood clots, breast cancer, etc. etc., etc. not to mention the decrease of respect for women and the break down of marriages. We also know that the pill causes abortions and leads to more abortions because, when people have it in their heads that pregnancy is a disease to avoid, once they "get it" they need another treatment, and thus turn to abortion. Pope Paul the VI predicted in Humanae Vitae the increase of abortions with the increase use of birth control - and that happened. He predicted more divorce and more abuse of women - all that happened. Can you imagine how much divorce, abortion and abuse of women there will be if everyone is expected to be using birth control? Also, can you imagine how much prostitution, STD's, teenage sex (and let's face it, people won't start using birth control with 100% accuracy just because it is free) teenage pregnancy and teenage abortion and abortion among older women there will be? By the time girls reach 30, they will have had so many abortions and STD's, hysterectomy will probably be commonplace operations. But I guess that won't matter. Those girls won't be interested in something so archaic as marriage and motherhood - and if they are they will marry their lesbian lovers (to stay in step with society) and adopt children from overseas. But maybe I should have more faith in almighty Obama's plan.
The other thing that really really bothers me about all this is, Obama claims providing free contraception is a form of preventive care. Pregnancy is not a disease or a disorder - even if it is unwanted at times, it is not something to be wiped out like the plague. Mankind will not survive without women getting pregnant - and getting pregnant more than once. I realize all of the prenatal visits, prenatal vitamins, a hospital birth, and then vaccines, etc. really adds up and is much more expense then providing contraception for a year. But with all those expenses associated with a baby you get a really nice prize for all your investments - a BABY - a productive member of society and most importantly, a wonderful human made in the image and likeness of God - and that my Mastercard caring friends, is truly PRICELESS! I wonder too, since I had a c-section with the birth of my baby, will I get any free preventive care with my next pregnancy? A c-section is a major operation that puts me and my baby at risk, it also costs the insurance company a lot of money. Will I get a doula, which are proven to reduce the need of having a c-section, paid for in full by my insurance? I'm betting not. I'm betting I will be told to take the free contraception - that that is the surest way to avoid a second c-section.
Obama's revised plan states no Catholic organization will have to "directly" pay for contraception or sterilizations. Oh well, as long as I can indirectly commit mortal sin, I guess I am in the clear. Is he serious?! Does he really think that is acceptable, that we will be appeased by this ridiculous statement, that we will stop fighting for what is right?
As I see the government reducing me and my fellow Catholics to second class citizens who are no longer protected under the Constitution, who no longer share the same liberties as everyone else; as I see the wise words of our Bishops mocked by a president of clearly no faith or fear of the Lord; as I see the government and women of power, who claim to be Catholic, all fighting for women to be reduced to sexual objects and have birth control pills shoved down their throats- free of charge- regardless of the tremendous costs it has on their health or on society; as I see abortion so ingrained into people's lives it's evilness needs to be debated, I have never been more ashamed to have to be labeled an American. But, as I hang my head in shame, I also note that I have never been prouder to be labeled a Catholic - which really is my true identity. I am so proud of all the bishops and priests. They are speaking out so courageously and leading us in the truth despite the demolishing of morals in society and as a nation. They are reminding us that Christ is King - it is His words we must follow and live by.
We need not be afraid, we know who will win this battle.
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