Thursday, February 23, 2012

So excited for Lent!

I love Lent!  I know that might sound strange, but I think it is truly the most wonderful time of the year.  I think taking a few weeks to reconnect with God, to pray more, to sacrifice gears; us up for a year of living closer to God and living out His Will for us.  It also is a nice way to count down to the start of spring - aka glorious sunny, warm, sandel-wearing weather!

After Lent comes, obviously, Easter.  And Easter is my favorite holiday. I know there would not be a Easter without a Christmas, but I feel like Easter is the really the best day of the year.  It is such a joyous, hope-filled holiday.  I mean, the birth of a baby - esp. a baby who is God made man and here to save us, brings us abundant hope and joy, but I just know that all things are possible with God when we celebrate Jesus rising from the dead and fogiving us for all the terrible sins we commit, again and again.  It also seems like Easter has not become as commercialized as Christmas.  I feel like the day is still about going to Church, rejoicing, feasting and celebrating - the whole Easter bunny deal hasn't really seemed to catch on too well.

The mysteries of Easter are what we constantly turn to all year - the Eucharist is the center of the Mass and our lives. 

Here's wishing you a very holy, blessed, transforming Lent!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Will The Real Catholic Christians Please Stand Up?

With all of the attacks on the Catholic Church recently, it has come to my attention, or more accurately, come to the front of my attention, not everyone sharing a pew with me in church shares my faith.

Nancy Pelosi claimed she is standing with her fellow Catholics and supporting the contraception mandate.  That says to me, she is sadly mistaken that Catholics agree with the mandate or she is in good company with her support.  Kathleen Sebelius, another self proclaimed Catholic, is also fighting in the opposite direction as the leaders of the Catholic Church in regards to the mandate.  Obama loves to bring up the exorbitant number of Catholics who use birth control.

My question is, why do people, those in positions of power and regular ol' citizens, profess they are Catholic if they are not truly in their beliefs?

If you choose to be part of a religious group, as opposed to agnostic, it seems you would believe all of the laws/beliefs of that religion.  Especially since agnostic is a possibly, and having a religion of any kind is not mandatory, I cannot imagine why you would choose - yes this is in fact a choice - to belong to a religion that had morals you did not agree with, believe or could follow.  The issues of contraception and abortion are very huge in the eyes of the Church and really set her apart from other religions.  In secular terms, would you belong to an organization that you did not agree completely with or at least, with all the major positions?  I could, for example, never label myself a vegan if I could give up all meat but just could not deny myself dairy products.

I use to think that the reason might be that people wanted to have some solidarity to the older members of their family.  I know no longer believe this though, because many people of the older generation also don't believe in the Real Presence in the Eucharist or are in favor of birth control, so my peers surely feel no pressure to attend church to give the illusion that they believe and follow the Church's correct teachings.  No one seems to raise an eyebrow or whisper disapprovingly any more when a couple moves in together, a girl gets pregnant out of wedlock or a guy announces he is gay.  These things have become acceptable, normal and just one of the many choices a young person can make in their life.  I highly doubt that people are, simultaneously, afraid to no longer attend church or call themselves Catholic because of what their parents or society might think.

So why do they call themselves Catholics and even attend Mass when they whole heartily disagree with many big and important values of the Church?  How can they even sit through Mass, thinking the whole time that the priest is making a big deal out of bread and wine?  How can they listen to the priest preach on the importance of writing letters, praying, fasting, doing everything we can to help overturn the ridiculous contraception mandate, if they, in fact, are using contraception and find nothing wrong with it?  I'm not referring to Catholics who are trying to understand what the Church teaches, and like everyone, fails at times, goes to Confession and tries again.  I'm talking about the "Catholics" who think the church is wrong in their teaching, that are expecting her to change her stance.

These people are very confusing to me.  They, evidently, are very confusing to Obama, the rest of the government and society.  I don't know if requesting those next to us in the pews to shape up or ship out is the right approach - but will the real, true, faithful (though at times failing) Catholics please stand up!  We need to know who you are.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

My Two Cents on the Whole Contraception Mandate

Where do I even begin.......

My heart hurts to even write this.  Contraception and abortion are issues so close to my heart; as a woman and as a mother, I cannot fathom how a woman could voluntarily put her body through the dangers and risks associated with the pill or murder her tiny baby, let alone support a government that is demanding this to be done.  And I do mean, demanding.

Obama claims that 99% of women have used birth control at some point in their lives.  WHO CARES!  100% of people use food and I don't see the government mandating that that be handed out for free.  Not having food would actually kill you, whereas, despite what Obama might think, not having birth control would not kill you.  Also, just because 99% of women do something, does not mean it is right or should be condoned.  According to the CDC 45% of teens drink alcohol and 64% of those teens binge drink - that's a high percentage!  Maybe we should lower the drinking age and hand out beers at the prom to accommodate those serious partiers and make high school more enjoyable.

Obama also claims that the use of birth control lowers the risk of ovarian cancer -WOW!  I had no idea those little latex wonders (aka condoms) had the power to lower the risk of ovarian cancer.  How does that work? Does the latex ooze some sort of magical chemical into the wall of the vagina and that chemical travels up a distant path where no sperm has ever traveled and deposit it's saving and healing powers into the ovaries?  No, it's only a certain kind of birth control pill that claims to have such benefits to which he is referring.  The truth is - taking oral contraceptive for pretty much the entire time you are fertile only reduces your risk of ovarian cancer by a really small percentage.  Do you know what you can do to lower your risk of ovarian cancer by a higher percentage and never take oral contraception?  You can have one baby and nurse that baby!  One, one baby, not ten, but one.  (Thank you to the person who had this fact on their blog.  I forget where I saw it now, so I can not give you credit.  But it is great information and much appreciated!)  But since Obama is saying that making contraception so readily available will reduce the risk of ovarian cancer - that says to me that he expects all contracepting couples to use the pill (unless I really do not understand how those condoms work) and will only make the pill available for free.  I see many problems with that.  First of all, maybe contracepting women don't want to mess with their cycles so they only have four cycles of year.  Maybe they don't want to increase their risks of breast cancer, or strokes or blood clots.  Maybe they want a form of birth control they can stop at any time and try to get pregnant.  Maybe they are allergic to an ingredient in the pill or for other health reasons, cannot take hormonal contraception.  Maybe they are for birth control but are against abortion - and we all know that the pill does cause abortions.  So why aren't more women upset that Obama not only wants to put all women on birth control, he also wants to dictate the exact form of birth control that you must use?

We all know the many many cons of using birth control.  The risks that the pill poses to women - stroke, blood clots, breast cancer, etc. etc., etc. not to mention the decrease of respect for women and the break down of marriages.  We also know that the pill causes abortions and leads to more abortions because, when people have it in their heads that pregnancy is a disease to avoid, once they "get it" they need another treatment, and thus turn to abortion.  Pope Paul the VI predicted in Humanae Vitae the increase of abortions with the increase use of birth control - and that happened.  He predicted more divorce and more abuse of women - all that happened.  Can you imagine how much divorce, abortion and abuse of women there will be if everyone is expected to be using birth control?  Also, can you imagine how much prostitution, STD's, teenage sex (and let's face it, people won't start using birth control with 100% accuracy just because it is free) teenage pregnancy and teenage abortion and abortion among older women there will be?  By the time girls reach 30, they will have had so many abortions and STD's, hysterectomy will probably be commonplace operations.  But I guess that won't matter.  Those girls won't be interested in something so archaic as marriage and motherhood - and if they are they will marry their lesbian lovers (to stay in step with society) and adopt children from overseas.  But maybe I should have more faith in almighty Obama's plan.

The other thing that really really bothers me about all this is, Obama claims providing free contraception is a form of preventive care.  Pregnancy is not a disease or a disorder - even if it is unwanted at times, it is not something to be wiped out like the plague.  Mankind will not survive without women getting pregnant - and getting pregnant more than once. I realize all of the prenatal visits, prenatal vitamins, a hospital birth, and then vaccines, etc. really adds up and is much more expense then providing contraception for  a year.  But with all those expenses associated with a baby you get a really nice prize for all your investments - a BABY - a productive member of society and most importantly, a wonderful human made in the image and likeness of God - and that my Mastercard caring friends, is truly PRICELESS!  I wonder too, since I had a c-section with the birth of my baby, will I get any free preventive care with my next pregnancy?  A c-section is a major operation that puts me and my baby at risk, it also costs the insurance company a lot of money.  Will I get a doula, which are proven to reduce the need of having a c-section, paid for in full by my insurance?  I'm betting not.  I'm betting I will be told to take the free contraception - that that is the surest way to avoid a second c-section.

Obama's revised plan states no Catholic organization will have to "directly" pay for contraception or sterilizations.  Oh well, as long as I can indirectly commit mortal sin, I guess I am in the clear.  Is he serious?!  Does he really think that is acceptable, that we will be appeased by this ridiculous statement, that we will stop fighting for what is right?

As I see the government reducing me and my fellow Catholics to second class citizens who are no longer protected under the Constitution, who no longer share the same liberties as everyone else; as I see the wise words of our Bishops mocked by a president of clearly no faith or fear of the Lord; as I see the government and women of power, who claim to be Catholic, all fighting for women to be reduced to sexual objects and have birth control pills shoved down their throats- free of charge- regardless of the tremendous costs it has on their health or on society; as I see abortion so ingrained into people's lives it's evilness needs to be debated, I have never been more ashamed to have to be labeled an American.  But, as I hang my head in shame, I also note that I have never been prouder to be labeled a Catholic - which really is my true identity.  I am so proud of all the bishops and priests.  They are speaking out so courageously and leading us in the truth despite the demolishing of morals in society and as a nation.  They are reminding us that Christ is King - it is His words we must follow and live by.

We need not be afraid, we know who will win this battle.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Really? Is that An Argument? Was I Suppose to be Convinced?

Have any of you seen this

I suppose the young man is trying to convince us that same sex parents make good parents and institute of marriage can exist even when there is not one man of consenting age and one woman of consenting age.  And if those statements did not go against all logic and sense, there wasn't mountains of evidence to the contrary, and I were stupid, then maybe, it would convince me.

The man speaks for three minutes - 3 minutes! - and we are suppose to look at him like he is this intelligent, successful, well adjusted gentleman.  I don't know about you, but I do try to not judge people too quickly - and I certainly wouldn't rule out any major character flaws (which seems to be the purpose of his speech) in merely three minutes.  The guy could cheat on his tests in school, shoplift and beat his girlfriend for all we know.  He certainly wouldn't admit that and even if he wanted to, it might not make it into the three minute speech he has to convince you that lesbianism is the way to go.

So why is everyone standing around him, smiling and clapping like he gave this long, well researched speech? Turn the tables, and if I stood up and spoke for three minutes about all my successes and how my heterosexual parents raised me so wonderfully, do you think I would convince anyone that is the way to go?  We have the the 2000+ years teachings of the church, research and evidence, plus nature to tell us that children are meant to be raised and do best when raised in monogamous heterosexual marriages.  We know that this is the truth, but if I spoke about it, even if I spoke eloquently and with passion, as this young man did, I would be just a small weak argument, at best.

What struck me right away when I watched this video, was sadness.  I felt so sad for this young man and his situation.  What is one of the first things that people say when a parent is lost in a heterosexual marriage?  "Oh, little Timmy will have to be raised without a father!"  "Poor little Vanessa will have to grow up without a mother!"  We see the loss of a parent as tragic - why would you choose to inflict that on a child?!  It boggles my mind that someone would choose to do this and then go on to teach their child that it is best and others should do it too.  That should raise some really good adults for a real fine society.

The other point that struck me was his comment that they do not want to be treated like "second class citizens" anymore.  So, to be considered a first class citizen, you have to be able to marry whoever you want?  That opens a pretty big can of worms.  What if I want to marry someone who is already married, or I want to marry another woman, or I want to marry two men, or two men and a woman, or two men and two women, or a little boy, or my brother, or a monkey?  According to this young man, I am a second class citizen if I am denied any of these unions.  I also take offense at the term "second class citizens."  Second class citizens was how minorities were treated when they could not go to the same schools, hospitals, drink out of the same water fountains, go into the same stores or use public transportation like the rest of society.  Second class citizens is not  a term to be used carelessly by a group of people struggling with their disordered sexuality who are not allowed to legally make all of their unhealthy and destructive fantasies come true.  Part of the purpose of laws is to protect society, and sometimes it is from yourself you need protection.

What a sad road this society is walking down.


Monday, January 16, 2012

Almost Time for Another Baby!

When I was in college, I came across a prayer card with a prayer for unborn babies.  The prayer was written, I believe, by Fulton Sheen.  The intention of the prayer was more specific than petitioning for an end to abortion or more respect for human life, it was a prayer to save a specific unborn baby, who was likely to be the victim of abortion.  The prayer card instructed you to say the prayer every day for one year to save one baby.  Once a new year started, you were working on saving another baby.  Below is the prayer:

O Virgin of Guadalupe, Grant us the Grace to love and respect life in it's beginnings with the same love with which you conceived in your womb the life of the Son of God.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much.  I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby, that I have spiritually adopted, who is in danger of abortion.  

The prayer and it's purpose immediately appealed to me.  Not only was it about babies, it was about saving an actual baby.  When I began this daily prayer it was around this time of year - late January - near the horrid anniversary of Roe v Wade.  So each year as fellow Catholics, and many Christians, pray, march and protest to end abortion, my spiritual baby is born and I begin praying for a new spiritual baby.  I forget the exact year I began this tradition, but I think I will start praying for my ninth spiritual baby next week!

And while I was blessed enough to conceive, carry, birth and be in charge of raising and nurturing (along with my husband) our beautiful baby boy, I still have a very special soft spot in my heart for all these spiritual babies.  Every January, I am filled with joy knowing that one more of God's special souls has been saved and I am working on helping to save another.  I sometimes think about these spiritual children of mine, wondering what they are doing now, that they have narrowly escaped an untimely death.  I think about how blessed the world is to have them in it, but how few probably realize, that although God gave them life, they almost did not live.  I wonder sometimes too, do I know these children?  Have I come across them in my daily life?  They do not know who I am nor I them, but I pray for them and love them.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Pro-life or ?

I would venture to say that many if not most of you would say that the opposite of pro-life is pro-choice.  But in a strictly logical or maybe grammatical sense, what is the opposite of life?  Is it not death?  I have found myself, and a few other friends or acquaintances of mine, using the term pro-death to label those on the other side of the debate.  Admittedly, I could be using that term to take a small jab at those that take that stance (*whispers* you are for murder - the murder of tiny babies) In a culture that seems to be so supportive of abortion, maybe the jab is a much needed wake up call to remind those, who have emotionally removed themselves from the issue, that the "freedom" to choose that they are so relentlessly fighting for, is really a license to kill.

 I have noticed in my life, that I have not really come across anyone who is truly pro-choice - as the name would suggest.  I would think that anyone for choice is advocating all to choose anything that they deem right.  So, wouldn't they view the pro-lifers as merely exercising their freedom of choice and choosing that stance and that is just as good as any other?  Those who are "pro-choice," however, do not seem to think like this.  They seem to want to open more abortion clinics, expand the window of opportunity to do an abortion within the weeks of pregnancy and limit the amount of counseling, ultrasounds and information that would convince a pregnant woman to not abort her child.  How can you even use the word "choice" to describe your position on the matter, if you oppose woman having all the necessary information needed to make an informed choice?

 I use to pray outside an abortion clinic when I was in college, and one of the things that sticks out in my memory from those days, was how the abortion clinic "escorts" would all but push the woman and girls into the building before one of the pro-life students could utter a single word to them or hand them a brochure detailing real risks of abortion and real alternative options. It really seemed, to me, that they had a quota to fill for that day.  They had to abort x number of babies and they were going to accomplish their goal before they broke for lunch.  I remember one time, that a pro-life student did manage to hand a woman a brochure just before she entered the clinic.  The woman standing guard at the door of the clinic tore it out of the young woman's hands and ripped it up before she even had a chance to glance at it.  (As infuriating, sickening and depressing standing outside of a filthy abortion clinic in a bad neighborhood is, I really encourage anyone who had never tried praying there once to do so.  It really is, at the same time, a moving, enlightening and humbling experience.)    

Also, the "pro-choice" side does not seem to care that their position completely inhibits the pro-life's side ability to choose.  We want to live in a world where life is respected and cherished.  We want to meet all those cute babies that are seen as mistakes or accidents and tossed aside like garbage.  But, you may say, wouldn't the pro-life side completely hinder the "pro-choice" side's ability to live as they choose?  As our beloved Pope John Paul II said, "freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought."  It seems to me that societies laws should be a good secular match to the laws of God.  All good comes from God, and, because some members of society do not believe in God, His laws need to be translated and set in another context for them.  But God, in His infinite wisdom knows what is best for every human, whether they believe in Him or not.  Society at large seems to agree that murder is wrong.  I'm sure, in terrible fits of anger, one can believe that the world would be better off without an offensive person.  But, our laws protect that transgressor.  The angry party knows through God's laws, civil laws or both, that it is not okay to murder.  If the angry person decides to anyway, he is punished.  Somehow, along the way, society no longer applied this law of God and society to unborn babies.  Society also decided that each individual person should be able to decide for themselves if murdering an unborn baby was a just thing to do or not.  Laws need to apply to everyone.  If abortion is legal and encouraged - both of which seem horrifically true, what if everyone choose that route?  Society would end here pretty quickly.  You need to have laws that apply to everyone and allow for everyone to follow them.  How it does not seem chaotic and uncivilized to just let everyone pick and choose what is wrong and right for themselves and have no code applicable to everyone, I will never understand.  I especially will not understand this "pro-choice" culture because, as I hope I have proven, there is no true choice.  It is a culture of death that needs to be overturned.